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Description of the Book:

"Zenith : An Eminent Walk " is not just a book but a dream come true. It is not personally related to anyone. The content shows different emotions of life, different types of personalities we meet and the way we fall for ourselves and other. It is an excellent way to reach out new people, exchange our thoughts and learn new things. I hope this book will be a good companion at teatime, a relaxation after a busy day and may bring happy vibes.?

Zenith : An Eminent Walk

  • Author Name: Sayalee Dandekar
    About the Author: I'm a dentist by profession and an artist by heart, as anchoring is my first love and will always be. I like interacting with new people from different places and professions. Apart from writing, I'm fond of painting, travelling, watching horror movies. I'm always hungry to learn something new and exciting. I live with my family and as I'm the youngest one, annoying them is my full time job.
    Book ISBN: 9788510225397


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