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Description of the Book: 


A first installment of haiku-style and other poems inspired by nature, intrusive thoughts, daily life, moody blues and utter shenanigans.

Yellows, Blues, Haikus

SKU: 9781005647667
  • Author Name:  Christina A Primeau
    About the Author : Christina A Primeau is a naturalized American citizen who obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice/ forensics, minor in psychology from Saint Leo University. She graduated with honors and went on to work with a local Sheriff’s Office while working on a master’s degree in criminal behavior. After a diagnosis of PTSD, and other chronic health and mental health issues, she quit the criminal Justice field entirely to become an artist and painting instructor. She taught elementary and middle school art for two years in South Florida while working on her own art. She now lives in central Florida with a myriad of plants and (soon), one betta fish.


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