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Description of the Book:

This Book is a collection of my English and Hindi writings. It's about Love, memories, dilemmas,etc. This is an attempt to express my feelings through poems and deepen my friendship with words so the title,Yaariyan...lafzon se.


  • Author Name: Madhura Shejwal
    About the Author: Madhura in her late Twenties is a MBA [HR] by education and has spent most of her life at a beautiful place Nashik. She has been working in the Corporate world. She has never met her Grandma but has been inspired from the stories about her as told by her father. She feels that she has inherited this knack of writing from her Grandma and she wants to preserve this gift. A new outlook towards Life and everything around her is what she has learnt after she started writing. This new found Love is what she wants to live with. We can say that she is an inquisitive soul making the shift from being inarticulate to being eloquent and seeking solace in her writings.


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