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Description of the Book:


This book of poetry is a brief looking into some of the musings of my mind. Poetry is not a form of writing that I have much experience with overall. A few of the included poems were written and published before over 20 years ago and the others were created in the first 21 days of October 2023.

Words, words, words ...

SKU: 9789358315516
  • Author's Name: Michelle Warren

    About the Author: After a few wrong turns in my early college years, I ended up studying the written word, as it turned out my mind was more comfortable with words than numbers and science. My Bachelor of Art's degree in English with a minor in communication has led to an eclectic collection of work as an editor, writer, communication specialist, executive director and marketing specialist for newspapers, non-profit organizations, an advertising firm, corporate healthcare and a Big 10 University. My life is filled with family, my kids and my dogs. I enjoy nature - the smell of rain, sunsets and wildlife especially; books; photography; reading and writing - and sometimes I let others read the words I put together.
    Book ISBN: 9789358315516
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