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Description of the Book:

With the hurt and the pain that is carried in the heart and the only way to heal it, is to cry, yell or sigh. this is a way someone heals the heart, throught the art of showing the passion and the creativity which is inside. This for all the those who have fallen in love and been hopeful. A lover's sight for its beloved when they see them and the beauty that captures their heart. It's for those you are willingly to go an extra mile and keep their hearts on the sleeve. For those who are unaware of the world's judgements and always follow what they believe.

With a Fiddle of Love

  • Author Name: Saoumya S Varma
    About the Author: Life is about leading your journey and paving your own way. After being 7 years in media and entertainment, there was a soul urge to change my career to a completely new direction. Unknown and unaware of the consequences I decided to go ahead on my spiritual journey and to enhance my skills and a writer.


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