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Description of the Book:

An anthology of musings, reveries, and memories in a stream-of-consciousness style that seeks to capture the real-time initial stages of coping as well as the day-to-day unpredictabilities of adjusting to a new normal.

What Does "Strong Enough" Even Mean?

SKU: 9789358365153
  • Author's Name: Charmaine Do
    About the Author: Charmaine Do, MPH/MSW is a native of the Bay Area, California who loves to travel and explore new sights, sounds, and scenery. She stays passionate about helping others through life's unceasing challenges, with support from friends and family. She aspires to keep her heart large and full, and pursues opportunities for impact that aligns with that. When not working or healing, she is usually talking someone's ear off, humming a tune stuck in her head, or planning an adventure.
    Book ISBN: 9789358365153


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