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Description of the Book:

Walked a Mile is an amalgamation of various emotions felt in our daily lives. It aims to express the unheard and unexplored emotions in the form of poetry. this book is a roller coaster ride of emotions promising to take its readers on a memorable voyage.


  • Author Name: Anjali Chhabra
    About the Author: Anjali Chhabra, an aspiring poet from New Delhi will soon be entering her adulthood. She aims to bring a change in the lives of people with her poetic expressions. She truly believes that pen is mightier than sword and words can be extremely powerful in conveying oneself in the best possible manner to the world at large. The young girl has participated in an anthology “Beyond the Emoticon” and various other competitions. If not writing a poem, you’ll find her sipping on her hotchocolate while reading a fiction novel.
    Book ISBN: 9785217959525


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