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Description of the Book:


“Poetry should surprise by a fine excess and not by singularity—it should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance.” - John Keats The poems in this book are intended to be relatable to the degree that readers feel they are reflections of their own everyday thoughts. From sorrow to happiness, heartbreak to fulfillment, introspections to humour, there's something for all sorts of tastes out there. While they are simple with little to no embellishments, they are also open to interpretation by the readers. Delve into how you want to perceive them and you may just find something a whole lot deeper under the surface!


  • Author Name: Deepabali Majumder
    About the Author: Deepabali is a Computer Science and Engineering student from Kolkata, India. She is an avid reader and an occasional writer. She has been a part of the Pride anthology published by BeatNarrative publications. This is her second foray into publishing and first into publishing poetry. She aspires to connect with her readers and bring more content to the table in the near future. In her spare time, she enjoys teaching underprivileged children, and is associated with both the Indian Government National Service Scheme and a non-profit organization, eVidyaloka, for the same. She also enjoys recitation, playing chess and learning new languages.


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