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Description of the Book:


A collection of chronicles a Muslim woman's journey from adversity to tranquility. Through evocative verses, she shares her battles with societal expectations, workplace discrimination, and personal loss. Her poems offer solace, inspiration, and a reminder that faith and resilience can blossom even in the darkest of nights.

Veiled Warrior: Blossom Amidst the Rubble

SKU: 9789363316171
  • Author's Name: Sana Amrin

    About the Author: In the world of logic and algorithms, she thrives amidst intricate systems. As a seasoned IT Business Analyst, she navigates the complexities of technology with precision and clarity. But beneath the analytical surface lies depths of empathy and a passion for understanding the human experience. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to empower others, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, becoming an ICF-trained, NLP-certified life coach. Along this path, she faced her own trials of heartbreak and betrayal, emerging from the depths with newfound strength and wisdom. These experiences, combined with her professional insights, have shaped her unique perspective on life, wellness, and the resilience of the human spirit. A perspective that she now shares through her evocative poetry, inviting readers to explore their own depths and discover the transformative power of healing.
    Book ISBN: 9789363316171
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