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Description of the Book:


Undivided: Memories of Partition is a collection of poems describing the various aspects of the horror witnessed by the people of India in 1947. The poems are inspired by the real stories of migration, violence, and later nostalgia that the writer has heard since her childhood, and later read during her research on the subject. These poems are simple, evocative, and aim at presenting a clear image of the meaning they want to convey, avoiding all complications.

Undivided: Memories of Partition

  • Author Name: Sakshi Bansal
    About the Author: Sakshi Bansal is pursuing a Ph.D. in English Literature. Her proposed research thesis questions the terminology which is given to Hypertext Fiction by studying the imminent realism of these works and traces the convergence of the social and scientific in digital interactive mediums. She deems herself as a digital humanist who envisions a world that recognizes the function of the digital in humanistic pursuits and academic ethos. She has a thing for analysis, loves perspectives, and hates binarism. She also follows her passion for writing poetry whenever and wherever possible. She believes that the most complex things can become easy when described poetically. For her, poetry is one of the purest forms of art.
    Book ISBN: 9786029554625


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