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Description of the Book:


My book contains poems in English and Hindi . It is the compilation my writings in both the languages touching different fields, incidents , experiences, a conversation with the world.
This word-jwellery, a gift given by the God , is offered to Him only.
Having been a good reader of literature in English ,Hindi, and, Telugu, I was inspired by many writers.
Themes are taken from nature and the social context.
Every expression is the result of aesthetic observation of the situation around.
Most of the concepts sprung from the pain caused by the sudden social change .

Hope and faith in almighty consoles now and then.

"हे अनंत ! " is the feel of omnipresence of omnipotent.???????
" Music of silence and sound " Nature's orchestra. Listen with heart and enjoy

"VAT " is the feel of everyone who hates the immitation.??????????

"Footprints " tells us our purpose of being human.?????????

"Prayer " is our personal talk to God .

"नमन " : salutations to supreme.???

"Traits to be saluted... inherited or acquired"
One must take initiative to do good work.
Otherwise be cooperative to those who are taking initiative.
"नारों से नहीं हुंकारों से " says it's high time to save water by actions, not by slogans.
" Cool in sun" tells us we can balance both i.e the beauty in opposites.
" What ! If it happens?" .........A change in nature which does upside down of the map , is a red signal for human.???
" Dear 21 K School". ..... regards with love to the first and best school of my grandchild.???????????

" Women's Day" best wishes to a woman capabilities.???????????
" Wonderful arrows" Apt words for hearts. ????????????
"अपना - पराया " westernised India we are living in.????????????
" Only two" : Suggests essential things for our better and peaceful life. ???
" Choice or Chance" :: Do your duty with commitment to excell.
"Smile" God's expression ??????

Soon and so forth

1. Hae ! Anant !
2. Music of silence and sound
3. VAT
5. Prayer
6. Naman
7. Traits to be saluted
8. Naaron se naheen, hunkaaron se !
9. Cool in sun
10.What if it happens
11. Dear 21 K school !
13. Wonderful arrows
14. Apanaa- paraayaa
15.Only two
16. Choice or chance
17. Smile
19. Handle with care
20 . W.R.I.T.I.N.G. C.H.A.L.L.E.N.G.E
21 .Chaah

Any writer wishes his writings show some impact on reader's mind and act accordingly .
Let us see how much I can reach you all, my dear friends !
Start observing around you, rise up to the occasion, be a good human being.
We are lucky enough to take birth on this holy land of diversity. Let us do something in return to our motherland.
Pain and pleasure are the two stimuli
that makes anyone to pen in black.
The same I wanted to share with you dear friends !
Thanking to you all for travelling with me.


SKU: 9789360945794
  • Author's Name: Lakkavaram Sreenivasa Rao

    About the Author: Myself,a retired Principal of a corporate school.. Love literature and raised as a Script writer. Written many poems and plays for the children in Hindi, Telugu and English. My novels in Telugu are highly appreciated . One of them is published. I Want to use this platform to see my book of poetry published. Thank you for your guidance .
    Book ISBN: 9789360945794
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