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Description of the Book:

The book is about people like you and me It's the thoughts strung beautifully as words. You will find the inspiration to fight and face oneself The way to self acceptance and self love. It's often easy to face the world with strength but difficult to face one's own self as you know it all. This book is about that know it all part and the motivation to face the truth of self.

The book is a collection of the journey of a pessimistic over thinking soul searching it's way through the confused path in the world. It depicts how the protagonist transforms and heals taking inspiration from nature healing slowly with hope. It's the assimilated thoughts collections of her feelings as she works her way through the confused thoughts to an enlightened self. The book describes the inner feelings of an introvert as well as an over thinker. It is words given to the feelings and those silent cries felt once atleast by all of us.

Thoughts that Rhyme- Musings from a silent overthinker's soul

  • Author Name:  Ritu Shewani
    About the Author: A budding doctor and an enthusiastic writer who expresses through her smile, tears and words all that she faces in life. She is passionate in her field as Naturopathy and Yoga physician with compassion for all the lives she touches. Confused, at time uses pessimism as her strength and an ardent over thinker who feels each word as she thinks or expresses.Some words from her heart expressing desire of her soul and yearn for success to make her parents proud Narendra Shewani and Jyoti Shewani.
    Book ISBN: 9783124204400


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