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Description of the Book :


The Lost Bookmark is a poem collection written about life and emotions. As you read the various poems within, you may find yourself reminiscing about memories of your own life or just feeling nostalgic for those moments that may have passed you by. Each poem is written with the hope that they will encourage others to take a moment to stop and reflect on their lives.A personal collection of poetry this small book is the end result of little introspection about life pouring onto the page. From hope and despair, simplicity and a yearning for happiness .The poems are not works of art in the usual sense, but a reflection of simple thoughts ,emotions and feelings .This book is something that started as random jamming with words on the last page of a book .

The Lost Bookmark

  • Author's Name :  Ria Vij
    About the Author :  Ria Vij is a blogger and poet. She writes about life's lessons she has learned through poetry and sharing experiences with others. She believes words are powerful that can help people heal and learn .She has chosen poetry as the medium to share her thoughts with the world because she believes poetry is far more than rhymes and syllables that rhythm. It is a form of art that evokes emotions . She writes in all forms ,flavours and formats much like all things in life.
    Book ISBN :  9781005968113
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