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Description of the book


The Crash Course is my first attempt at telling a story in the form of poems. Prayas, a young writer, is one of the fifty lucky participants who were selected from across the State, to attend a twenty-one day long writing crash course organized by one of the best publishing agencies of the country. The course includes a challenge - at the end of everyday, they are supposed to write something, anything, preferably about their day in the form of stories or poems. The best three of the ones who complete the challenge over the three week duration will be published as individual books. Prayas has high hopes from this course. He is undoubtedly talented and has the potential to complete the said challenge. But somewhere in the course of these three weeks his mind and heart enter a conflict. Is he able to resolve it or is the conflict taking over his dream of getting his first book published? Well that is what this book is about. 


The Crash Course

  • Author Name: Ipsita Tripathy
    About the Author: As a young engineer and writer, I want to spread the message of the importance of humanity, kindness and love in the fast growing technologically enhanced world. I have as much of love for science and technology as I have for poetry and I aim at channelling both of them to the wellness of the society. I believe in finding happiness in simple things in life. I believe in creating poetry in simple words with a not so simple meaning.
    Book ISBN: 9781005198954


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