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Description of the Book:

The Black Heart Project came at a time when I didn’t know whom the women was looking back at me in the mirror I knew who I was physically but inside, I did not know that women I did not know all she was capable of and destine to be if I could heal from my past life had more awaiting for me. More than I could imagine for myself. I hope my words , these poems and my deepest feeling spark something in you that you yourself didn’t know you were capable of.

The Black Heart Project

SKU: 9789357748346
  • Author's Name: Victoria Joyce
    About the Author: Hello Reader, I am Victoria Joyce author of the BlackHeart Project. I am a Boston, MA native raised in Bromley Heath development. I am a mother to my one and only son Malik Corey Smith. I enjoy a good time which includes but is not limited to, reading a good with my Fundamental Sisters book club, spending time with my son, being outdoors, writing and anything that puts a smile on my face and a tingle in my heart. I am very blessed to be surrounded by community and family that makes my life not only purposeful but enjoyable . The BlackHeart Project started not only out of interest or passion but out of a life low. I was grieving, hurt , loss & didn’t know what to do. It was a battle and life was winning. These words these poems are what saved me. I hope my words bring you as much life as they gave me.


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