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Description of the book:

The book is really all about the people ho have helped me do this. Like Tabbu – who probably has pushed me a thousand times to do this (She doesn’t show it, but she is really happy that I did end up doing this) Varsha – she’s been like a ticking alarm clock, always reminding me that I need to complete this. She’s mad at me right now for doing it at the last minute. My work life – which has really given me enough space to be able to do this on a regular basis. (P.S. I’m really trying to get that promotion) My bro Mohit – he’s really been a catalyst for my creativity. Mohit – If you know, you know! I’m really scared on missing out on someone’s name – they’ll curse me util death!! A little thankful, a little opportunistic and a little scared. So, that’s how I really am!

That's who I really am.

  • Author Name: Anuj Malu
    About the Author: We humans really are just a bunch of thoughts. A randomness set together in flesh and skin, only a medium to convey our deepest thoughts. So, when you read the poems, remember, they're all about me. The only way to know me is to read these poems with as much passion as I had when I wrote them. Remember, when you read "At dawn and dusk", I really do feel sorry for the sea and the sun, I really do believe it’s the moments that matter. When you read "A shooting star", feel what I feel about them - they're witness to fallen love. When you read "Goosebumps", it was probably my first love. And remember, that's how most "first loves" are - extremely cheesy, And when you read, "Saintly Sanity", trust me, I do sometimes question these big picture thoughts... and that it's really no harm. So that's who I really am. One last thing! I wrote a little about me, all in "Acknowledgements" thanked my friends, but in the "Description". And a glimpse of the book here, instead of my introduction. A little puzzled, and find puzzled a little better. So that's who I really am...


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