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Description of the Book:

The book is a collection of 21 short poems on diverse themes such as love, despair, nature, nostalgia, melancholy, set backs, revival, strengths etc. Each poem provides the readers with beautiful & exceptional images through the poet's unique way of writing. The language is strong yet calm. The readers will hopefully have an amazing time reading these poems, to which most of them will be able to relate & relish.

Tender Whispers to a Blank Page' A Transcendent Journey into Solitude

  • Author Name: Alfiya Khan
    About the Author: Alfiya Khan is an aspiring writer from Mumbai, with a Master’s degree in English Literature. English & History have been her areas of interest since highschool. She is greatly interested in reading novels & writing poems. She loves to play with words & metaphors in her works. Apart from reading & writing, she also enjoys watching movies, shows & listening to music. Lastly, quoting her, she says, “And it's for those who glance at the world through a different frame; Your eyes behold the eternal charm of life.”
    Book ISBN: 9789394136137


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