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Description of the book


Tea at Eleven is the birth-child of countless days of love, loss, renewal, redemption, and discovery. its a moed bag of poems written over tea-time in the morning on lazy Sundays, and of poems written at 11 pm, on nights that my mind couldn't stop thinking. The book holds A collection of poetic tales because every piece is written with a story in mind. To you dear reader, I hope these poems pull on a heartstring and help you see a little girl discovering her place in this world, and a hopeless romantic discovering her place in someone's heart. Tea at Eleven hopes to send you on a journey from one universe to another.



Tea at Eleven

  • Author Name: Marilyn Candice D’Cruz
    About the author:
    Marilyn Candice D’Cruz is a professional creative writer, a storyteller, and a plant mom. Her storytelling style makes its way into every piece of art she creates, be it a painting, a poem, or the photographs she captures. With a zeal to always amuse a listener, she crafts her anecdotes with just enough drama to keep one hooked. She's passionate about nurturing her many plants, playing the guitar, cycling, and much to everyone's amusement - creating excel sheets for everything.
    You can connect with Marilyn at @marilyndcruz or @teaateleven on Instagram.


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