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Description of the Book:


Nature fascinates everyone. How can I be an exception? I seek refuge in Nature as it nurtures and nourishes me. I learn a lot from Nature. Calm and serene nature helps me to connect with myself. In this book, through my poems, I have tried to describe enchanting surroundings and instant thoughts & feelings with utmost simplicity.


SKU: 9789360942151
  • Author's Name: Neela Trivedi

    About the Author: Neela Trivedi started writing poems and essays in her teens inspired by the different views of life as she travelled in different parts of India, East Africa, South East Asia, China, Hong Kong and USA. The poems penned in this book not only have glimpses of these beautiful places, but also her experiences in these countries. Besides authoring many short stories and plays, she has also translated a few books from Gujarati to English; “Sakha Sanghatte” by Mahalakshmi Thakkar, entitled “My Eternal Friend” by her in English received a high critical acclaim.
    Book ISBN: 9789360942151
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