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Description of the Book:

You can find a set of poems wrote by the author. That doesn’t belong to any specific theme, variety of poems on an assorted manner can be found. Amateur author spilled her heart and mind out. You can relate with all the poems sculpted inside as they sculpted the author. Various emotions of human nature have been beautifully written as poem. If your nature lover then also this book is for you. Once a lover of words, always an lover of the words.

Spilled Ink and Scribbled heart

SKU: 9781605173269
  • Author Name: Abinaya Sureshbabu
    About the Author: An avid writer, the recent author enjoys expressing herself through her writing and she believes that words can create magic. Several of her poems can be exposed on her Instagram account. Possessing a love for words all the time, she believes anything and everything can be conveyed through words. Throughout her school days, she wrote stuff but didn't devote much time to it. Getting the books, she loves and reading them all the time inspired her to write, and as the unquenchable thirst to write has grown, so has her passion. She sowed a small seed of writing during this lockdown, which she tenderly loved, nurtured, and eventually started a blog and Instagram page. Her creative talents encompass writing heartfelt poems, stories, and creative writing. She can be reached via her Instagram handle @the_enchantedpen and by email at
    Book ISBN:  9781605173269


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