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Description of the Book:

Shades of Life is a collection of poetic thoughts that deal with the idea of chasing hope amidst all the darkness. It's about trusting Life and finding strength that lies within ourselves.

Shades Of Life

  • Author Name: Niharika Dixit
    About the Author: Niharika Dixit was born in Varanasi. Having spent most of her life in Delhi NCR, She currently resides in Bangalore, pursuing her 8 year long career in Marketing. Apart from being an adventure seeker, she has keen interest in art, music and photography. One can always find her with her camera in hand, earplugs on and hitting road in search of a new inspiration. Her experiments with creativity finally led her to pen down her literary thoughts and make a debut in poetic world. Reach her @dixit_nihar on Instagram and @itsniharika_d on Twitter.
    Book ISBN: 9783434019961


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