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Description of the Book:

Sacred self-acceptance takes you through the challenges of a young girl growing up through trauma - Bullying, shame, heartbreak, loss, self-hatred, domestic violence, broken faith, and more, until finally, she reaches a place of self-acceptance. How will she cope with what life throws at her? How does she get through? Can you recognise any of her sacred self-acceptance journey in you?

Sacred Self-acceptance

  • Author Name: Aisha Gordon-Hiles
    About the Author: Aisha Gordon-Hiles is an internationally sold author, and accredited counsellor, with extensive experience working with adults, children, and young people. Her counselling work is trauma informed and heavily influenced by psychodynamic and humanistic principles. She also incorporates spirituality and holistic healing practices into her work. Through the sales of her book and her counselling work, she has helped thousands of individuals learn the tools they need to cope with all that life throws at them, and she is on a mission to help thousands more.
    Book ISBN: 9780463143834


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