Description of the Book:
ROMANTICIZING- is a collection of poems which are written about instances which has much more depths to them than most of us realise. These poems painted the ordinary in extraordinary with an attempt to seize all the moments which deserve a little more attention, a little more love. With an attempt to not let those moments of realisations escape from our senses. This book contains poems which intend to give those moments a 'life', an 'aura', through words which are woven into poems. And when they are woven into poems, they are no more just words- they become magic!
Romanticizing-Weaving Euphoria and Overwhelm into Poems
SKU: 9789367393369
Author's Name: Jia Kashyap
About the Author: Hi! You are currently reading about Jia Kashyap who is a student and an aspiring writer. I write poems and blogs. And when I'm not writing, you'll find me dancing or cooking or studying or reading a few novels that I own. You might also find me playing some music instrument. I welcome anything which makes me feel connected to the universe. 'To inspire and to be inspired' - that's how I would sum up my life! Book ISBN: 9789367393369