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Description of the Book:


A story about a complicated relationship. He was her pimp, her best friend, her using partner, and her husband. He was the love of her life. Besides turning her out to the streets of New York City in the mid Seventies, he used whatever means possible to control me. He also gave her a birth son, my two step-children, and five grandchildren. She is a widow now, and like she said, it was complicated.

Requiem for a Pimp

SKU: 9789360942755
  • Author's Name: Jenny Olson

    About the Author: Not part of bio my name is Dr, Jackie Douglas and I write under the name Jenny Olson Bio: Jenny Olson hopes that her words make people feel and think. And that her voice becomes the voice of women who have walked these paths she has walked. From human trafficking to recovery, from abuse to redemption. She is a survivor of complex trauma; a widow making her way in a brave new world. Find her poems in LEO Literary Journal, miniMAG, 100Subtexts, Saturday Sirens Blog as a guest poet, Hamonic Verse Anthology from Local Gems Press, The Antiquery Magazine, The Keeping - Jenny Olson chapbook 2024 Local Gems Press, and her Instagram @jackieowendouglas, later in 2024 her website
    Book ISBN: 9789360942755
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