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Description of the Book:

A collection to remind you that life’s too short to be bothered. Go do that thing, feel that feeling, embrace all the ups and downs, and come out feeling whole again. Reflect on these experiences, and I hope that you can relate to some of these poems.


SKU: 9789394136397
  • Author Name: Pritika Sood
    About the Author: Pritika Sood was born in New Delhi, but spent most of her life growing up in Bangalore, India. She discovered a love for writing and editing during her college days, where she started a blog and was a student editor for the college magazine. In addition, she is a basketball player, an excel nerd, a financial consultant, a Beatles fan, and a cocktail enthusiast. She has also spent a year in Germany, and two years in the United States. Pritika’s inspiration for writing comes from her varied experiences, with a view to make the writing more relatable to the reader.
    Book ISBN: 9789394136397


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