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Description of the Book :


What happens when brain trauma, depression, and time steal away the parts of you that weren’t ready to be lost? Sometimes they resurface. Sometimes they resurface, but as mangled strings that bear no resemblance to the “you” that you remember. Sometimes, they are lost forever.

(re)memory explores the lines of life and death and memory and how they blur. Through extended metaphors and bending punctuation rules, (re)memory brings trauma, pain, and past to the surface in a way that is digestible. This collection of poems reveals hidden messages about how human beings internalize, process, and understand how they fit into their past, present, and future. To forget is to be disfigured. To remember is to be lost. To understand that one is not simplified to what is beyond their control is to be healed.



SKU: 9783351514044
  • Author's Name : Kayleen Hedberg
    About the Author : Kayleen Hedberg graduated from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities with a B.A. in English Literature and a minor in Creative Writing. She encounters the raw and human in her writing, and is especially drawn to topics of mental health and memory. On a rainy day you can find her curled up with a book and a steaming cup of tea that likely won't get touched as she sinks into the story in her hands. This is Kayleen’s first collection of poetry.
    Book ISBN : 9783351514044
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