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Description of the Book :


This book consists of twenty poems ranging in topics from depression to the beauty of life and political statements. This anthology is my way of expressing myself and is the reader's opportunity to explore different emotions or perhaps see through the eyes of a mentally ill person. These poems are nothing but words, but words, I believe, are the most powerful tool humankind holds.

Poems for the Wandering Soul - 20 days of self reflection

  • Author Name : Charlie Stanbrook

    About the Author : Hello, I am not one to talk about myself much but I know the value of context and so I hope this brief description of me will help you have an insight into my mind and thought process behind these poems. I grew up in a single parent household and have experienced poor mental health for a long time now. Each part of my life, whether traumatic or not, has shaped who I am and I use poetry to explore them, articulate them and come to grips with them. That being said, I have always had a passion for literature and languages because I find them the best way to learn about the world and satisfy my natural curiosity which has led my interests through dinosaurs and astrophysics. When this book is published I will be about to start university where hopefully I will have more time to write and discover another side to myself.

    Book ISBN : 9781005456696


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