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Description of the Book:


This book is a collection of my poems - a manifestation of my life’s essence. The introspective and reflective moments of my life are the inspiration for every poem. Some of them are a figment of my imagination while others portray what I've experienced and learnt over the years. They serve as windows into my perception of life - an expression of my inner self. They bring out what and how I feel about life, things, people and issues that are close to my heart. At times they may be reflective, at others pensive; sometimes sad and at others joyful. They are an attempt to share a part of me with the readers.

Pensive Reflections

SKU: 9789360940188
  • Author's Name: Shipra Pande

    About the Author: Shipra Pande is a sixty five year old lady (wrinkles and grey hair are proof enough!) who is passionate about reading and writing. In her twenty year professional journey dedicated to nurturing young minds, including those with special needs, Shipra has dedicated her efforts in raising awareness and promoting inclusion of children with disabilities. Her bilingual expertise in English and Hindi has paved the way for her successful translation career as well, particularly in the field of environment and disability. Shipra finds solace and inspiration in the written word, often lost in the pages of a book. She loves crafting intricate zentangles and they provide her with a medium of expressing her artistic side. Word games, whether on a board or online, stimulate her faculties and she enjoys playing them in her free time. It is in the quiet moments, accompanied by a cup of good tea or in the rhythm of long walks that her creativity prospers and she finds her inspiration to write. As a linguist, she has lent her talents to translating books and other resource materials as a contribution in her commitment of making knowledge accessible to all. You can find her thoughtful book reviews on Instagram, under the handle @tangle_untangle_reads, where she shares her passion for reading with fellow enthusiasts.
    Book ISBN: 9789360940188
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