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Description of the Book : 


Raw, personal, and written from the deepest part of her soul. This collection of poems are love notes to life. To the people, places and fragments that make up their author- good and bad. These poems pay homage to the past, and ground themselves in the present; it is a foundation, an exploration of who Bernie R. Jones truly is. Paper Soul encourages its readers to embrace love, family, the past, the good things and the bad... It urges us not to overlook the little things, to live in every moment. It also makes one consider, what make us who we are?

Paper Soul

  • Author Name : Bernie R. Jones
    About the Author : Bernie R. Jones was born in Trinidad in 2000, and moved to the UK at the tender age of 4 where she has lived ever since. She is certain that reading is her first love, and writing is her second, and has spent most of her (albeit short) life in pursuit of both. She started writing in her teens on the online platforms Wattpad and Inkitt, where she continues to share her diverse stories filled with romance, fantasy and swoon-worthy men. When Bernie isn't writing (or reading), she loves to watch anime and True crime documentaries, perform, cook and spend time with her family. Having just graduated with a Bachelors degree in English Literature and Drama, she looks forward to doing a Masters in creative writing.
    Book ISBN :  9780463815823


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