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Description of the Book:


These words intend to resonate in the depths of hearts, echoing the sentiments that within the recesses of our souls lie dormant truths and ideals, buried beneath the rubble of practicality and cynicism. It's in the act of contemplating these forgotten notions that we unearth the essence of humanity, the capacity to love, to aspire, and to elevate ourselves beyond the constraints of the mundane. In embracing these emotions, we awaken a dormant power within us, one that has the potential to transform not just ourselves, but the entirety of the human collective. It's a noble pursuit, indeed, to strive to reignite these sparks of hope and to kindle the flames of love and evolution within us all.

of nothing more

SKU: 9789360948610
  • Author's Name: Faraz Burud

    About the Author: Faraz Burud has his roots in Shrivardhan - a town on the coast of Konkan, in Maharashtra, India. He takes delight in cultures, places, people and their opinions and comprehension on different subjects and nuances of life. Faraz enjoys travelling and hopes to pass this life by seeing as much as the globe as he can, strongly believing it shall build an organic premise for his writings, and his overall evolving as a human being.
    Book ISBN: 9789360948610
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