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Description of the Book:

Some things are never said, and some, Not said enough…

How so often have we glanced at somebody across the classroom, or sat across from somebody at the office, or perhaps just stared at a picture shared by them on Instagram, and thought how would it be like to be the reason every time a smile flashed across their face, or to be around every time words spilled from their lips. How so many times could we not say what our hearts ached for, and smeared the papers with ink at every moment they called our name.

This book tries to capture a photograph of every junction, the train of love of a hopeless romantic makes stoppages at.

Not said enough...

SKU: 9787171543512
  • Author Name:  Upanshu Sharma
    About the Author:As an aspiring nomad, Upanshu Sharma always wanted to end up writing, probably in the foothills of Himalayas, in a cottage, by a brook. But life got him to numbers, and to escape the world of logic and calculations, he resorted to writing. Often caught up in moral dilemmas of the right and the wrong, his short poems present a flavour of love, and all that could have been...
    Book ISBN: 9787171543512


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