Description of the Book:
"My Verses" is a collection of heartsongs that capture moments,emotions and memories.
Author Name: Priya Prabhakar About the Author: Priya Prabhakar is the founder of Dream Wings Academia, an IELTS academy, which is well known in the state of Kerala. Her innovative approach to teaching and student engagement paved way to her receiving many accolades. Ms. Prabhakar has always been an ardent admirer of languages. This is quite evident in the versatility of her writing, may it be in English, Hindi or Malayalam. Her coworkers always say, "she is a prodigy when it comes to words". Her very first attempt in penning something was in her school days.Some of her works are published on her blog page ( This collection of poems called "my verses" is her labor of love. As she recalls, "life has highs and lows but we need to face it head on. Writing soothes me in such trying times and it never falters." Book ISBN: 9785706343347