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Description of the Book:

Say, is your mind bubbling with thoughts all the time?

People have the fondness for most things beautiful and some things tragic and this book explores the joys,fascinations,beliefs and a rollercoaster journey experienced so far in life ,in a language that is universalPoetry.
With a vivid imagination, a wallflower has eyes that view this world differently than the restThe intense emotions, the small gestures and an appreciation for every little thing.
This collection of poetry partly draws inspiration from the everyday life,a life filled with different flavours which gushes with nostalgia and melancholy whereas a part of it is from moments that have had a everlasting impact on the author's life.

Musings of a Wallflower

  • Author Name: Varsha Saravanakanth
    About the Author:  Varsha Saravanakanth grew up in Salalah, Oman and whilst doing her schooling there developed a passion for poetry and literature, thanks largely to her school teachers' innovative and enthusiastic method of teaching the English subject and a school library housing a range of books and novels. Varsha's favorite poets include Robert Frost,William Wordsworth and Sylvia Plath to name a few. She started by writing short poems which were published in Thursday magazine in Oman. Varsha is a Business Analyst by day and when she isn't penning poems, loves to travel and is a sports enthusiast.
    Book ISBN: 9788363337230


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