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Description of the Book:

Suppressed Emotions. Midnight. A caffeine addict. Could the night get any interesting further? What happens when there is a sudden surge of feelings in the heart of a writer? A poem emerges as the night took its course. Let not the name put you in despair. The night may be dark, but the moon shines only then with all of its glory. So, grab a cup of coffee, snuggle in a blanket and let the works of the author's MIDNIGHT MUSINGS cast a spell on you.

Midnight Musings

SKU: 9780463817070
  • Author Name: Riya Gupta
    About the Author:  Riya is a quintessential daydreamer with a penchant for writing. She is currently a student and aiming to become an accomplished writer in the future. She writes in Hindi, Urdu, English and loves reading poetry. A night owl, she does most of her writing when the world around her sleeps. She delves into the heart of a subject until she can bring out its very essence. Through her poems, readers become aware of the various emotions and thoughts that linger in their minds but are seldom acknowledged.
    Book ISBN: 9780463817070


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