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Description of the Book :


This book is a collection of snapshots, repainted with words, taken where I've paused to question the scenery.

I pray there is no right or wrong journey, no pace at which you must travel nor designated rest stops.

The only destination, I believe, that truly matters is where the road ends.

What follows are views along my road and the destination I seek is Peace.


Memories Penned at the Crossroads of Life

SKU: 9781005584344
  • Author's Name :  Crystal Bode
    About the Author :  Crystal Bode grew up on a small farm in the wheatbelt of Western Australia that 4 generations had the privilege of sharing. After many years searching for herself and peace she has settled with a grown family on a small plot of serenity in Western Australia's Great Southern Region.
    Book ISBN :  9781005584344
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