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Description of the Book:

Twenty beautiful poems written in twenty days. This anthology of poems gives the reader an inside look at the mind, the memories, and the unspoken thoughts of the author. Each poem is elegantly crafted to play on a new theme, idea, or story. All in all, this collection of poems is a vulnerable and bittersweet journey through the life of the author that can resonate, in some way, with all who come across its pages.

Memories Forgotten, Unspoken Thoughts

SKU: 9781005436469
  • Author's Name: Elizabeth Tarter
    About the Author: Elizabeth Tarter is a newcomer to the writing world with her debut anthology Memories Forgotten, Unspoken Thoughts. Despite being a Joplin, Missouri native, she now spends her days writing in St. Augustine, Florida. Though this is a poetry piece, Elizabeth often hones her craft in the genre realms of fiction, historical fiction, and young adult literature. Elizabeth has taken and completed many creative writing courses in her educational career that have helped strengthen her love of writing and storytelling. Miss Tarter is a historian by trade studying at Arizona State University, where she will focus her attention on the topics of the Holocaust and World War II studies. She intends to use this knowledge to not only teach and educate the world around her, but to also write literature.
    Book ISBN: 9781005436469


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