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Description of the Book :


Like a winding river that never stops flowing, life moves forward in chaos and mystery. Sometimes the waters are serene, joyful, and churning with gentleness, but at other moments, the turbulence of the raging rapids can be foaming with grief and sorrow and anger. These experiences are what define being alive, and they are also incorporated into each and every poem in this collection.

Meandering Musings

SKU: 9780327718185
  • Author's Name : Sophia Kunkel
    About the Author : Sophia Kunkel is a literature-lovin’ college freshman at Hollins University with a passion for the written word. She is Social Media Manager for The Young Writers Initiative and author of Starless Skies and Broken Dreams, which was released in June of 2021 and can be found on the Barnes and Noble website. She is thrilled to explore the depths of poetry in this newest opportunity! But besides writing, Sophia also enjoys picking up a good book, sipping on a piping hot cup of tea, going on nature runs, and hanging out with her mini Goldendoodle, Bielka. You can find her at her website,
    Book ISBN : 9780327718185
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