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Description of the Book:


From loss and love to death and rebirth, May is a collection of life stories told through a poetic lens. Taziann’s hope for her debut poetry book is that it resonates with at least one other soul in the world. May is a collection of thoughts that ran through her head at major points in time, feelings she finally found the words for and things she saw. Take the opportunity to explore her mind and maybe find a piece of yourself in it. May it spark something in you.


  • Author's Name: Taziann Lux
    About the Author: Taziann Lux works part time as a freelance journalist who has used many pen names over the years. Ever since she was young, she has loved writing poetry, stories, and songs. Taziann currently resides just outside of Toronto, Ontario, where she waits (rather impatiently at times) for the world to get back on its feet so she can experience new places, new people, and new philosophies. A serious melophile, Taziann is also a passionate singer who posts singing videos on Instagram and YouTube as often as she can. She believes strongly in the healing power of music and strives to help ease others’ pain through both her music and her writing.


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