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Description of the Book :


A collection of thoughts that flow like a river, and twist and twine with the landscape upon which it flows. Concepts in this poem do not connect to anything apart from my mind. They are found part of me and I of them. Observe with me these streams of thought. Some found in awe of night, in adoration of the sunrise, the reality of human nature, loss of many sorts and tranquility found hidden beneath the rippling water.

Luz parpadeante - Flickering Light

  • Author's Name :  Talita Louise
    About the Author :  Talita Louise. An emerging author seeking to share and express her thoughts and ideas through writing. Most commonly known to write narratives but through a recent intervention is now also a poet. Talita was born in NSW, Australia and finds an odd comfort in eucalyptus scents. May it remind her of home even if she ventures far away. She hopes to create a similar feeling of comfort to her readers.
    Book ISBN :  9781005611149
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