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Description of the Book :


A collection of poetry that comes from an old soul.

Love, on the Rocks

SKU: 9789358366471
  • Author Name : Mykaela DeMatto
    About the Author : Mykaela DeMatto, among many things, has enjoyed the art of East Coast Swing and West Coast Swing. It’s no coincidence that she ultimately has spent time living on both the East and West coast of the US. As an avid adventurer, she takes every opportunity to indulge in new experiences — molding her into the true jack-of-all-trades she is today. They say that good things come in small packages, and truly, Mykaela is a living example. She’s sought out enough new ventures to make her wise beyond her years. She expresses herself through poetic ramblings, the aerial arts, dance, music, exploration, and meditation. Her focus in life is to gain emotional and spiritual awareness and growth. Mykaela knows no stranger — to her, every encounter is an opportunity to meet someone new and learn more about the dynamics of the world. Ultimately, she seeks beauty, purpose, dependability, and compassion in life. She’ll leave you with one quote to live by: “I am whatever I choose to be, and if I change; so be it.”
    Book ISBN : 9789358366471


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