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Description of the Book:

Love in its purest form is a collection of poems that takes you on a journey of love, wisdom, compassion, heartbreak and moral values. The poems stresses on how true love can only be unconditional. There are poems about romantic love as well as love for humanity and the whole society. The book describes how every problem of society can be solved just by having compassion and love for everyone. The poet has shown how compassion is the real wisdom, as it brings about justice in the society.

Love in its purest form

  • Author Name: Muskan Choudhary
    About the Author: Muskan Choudhary is a high school student from Bihar. She loves to write poetry and short stories which, according to her, is the way to elevate the society to a spiritual level. Words can do wonders, and bring about huge changes in the world, and changing the perspective of people and bring compassion in every heart is what she is trying to do. You can connect with her on Instagram using the handle @thegirlinpoetry.
    Book ISBN: 9785226248504


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