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Description of the Book:


It’s becoming impossible for me to differentiate between what’s real and what’s not.
My dreams feel so real and when I wake up I am either embarrassed, depressed, angry, panicked, but the worst of all is, if I wake up happy.

"Loss of Sanity" is a collection of poems that delves into the fragile nature of sanity within each of us, beginning from our inception. It explores how our lives, circumstances, environments, decisions, situations, and the people around us can gradually erode whatever little sanity remains.

Drawn heavily from personal experiences, this book exemplifies the myriad ways in which we lose touch with reality. The poem "Mirrors," for instance, poignantly portrays the author's struggle with self-perception—how mirrors fail to reflect her true self, sparking doubts that are unwarranted. Throughout the collection, the poems reveal our propensity to deceive ourselves to avoid pain, our futile attempts to cope with problems, and our loss of identity and sense of belonging. It also examines the complexities faced by women and the societal burdens they carry.

"Loss of Sanity" doesn't have any answers. The author doesn't have any answers. Instead, each poem invites readers into a different reality, offering novel perspectives on life to ponder.

Loss of Sanity

SKU: 9789363313903
  • Author's Name: Sudiksha Thusu

    About the Author: Sudiksha Thusu is a 24-year-old with a dynamic and spontaneous approach to life. With an innate tendency to do things on a whim, she often finds herself in situations that would baffle a sane mind. One such thing is this book. Threatened to follow through with this decision by her sister, Sudiksha recalls experiencing her first bout of writing aversion, a surprising blow considering reading and writing have always been integral to her existence. Through poetry, she enjoys weaving together unique perspectives and expressing her vibrant imagination. Poetry has woven itself deeply into her identity. Sudiksha aspires to bridge the gap between her inner world and reality, aiming to carve out a fulfilling life beyond the confines of her imagination.
    Book ISBN: 9789363313903
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