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Description of the book

There isn't a bigger muse than life itself. It gives us every oppurtunity to engage, inspire and find ourselves. It holds many secrets and yet every person has the potential to decipher those secrets in their own unique way. Each perception of the Universe, in itself adding to its meaning and beauty.
'Life is a Muse' is a collection of 18 poems and Mridu's own attempt at trying to understand the depth and beauty of life!

Life is a Muse

  • Author Name: Mridu Bajaj
    About the Author: Mridu Bajaj is a Serenity Surrender Healer and Teacher. She loves to read, paint, write, learn new crafts and mull over life's experiences! Mridu believes that life offers us wonderous experiences. Especially when we allow, even the most trivial experiences to impact us and help us understand the vastness and beauty of the Universe we exist in. And when that happens, it becomes almost impossible to not flow with that understanding and write it down, just so that you could give yourself a moment to understand, imbibe and assimilate the beauty and grandeur that you are a witness to!
    Book ISBN: 9780463482278


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