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Description of the Book:


Life has given me numerous opportunities to reflect upon it's vivid emotions and colours which i try to embed through my poems.

'LiFE Decoded' is a collection of thoughtfully crafted poems which i scribbled throughout my teenage era & continue to create them till now. These poems are thought evoking emotions in a rhythmic flow. Hope you feel them deep in your heart.

LiFE Decoded

SKU: 9789360946999
  • Author's Name: Shilpi Tiwari

    About the Author: Life has given me numerous opportunities to reflect upon it's vivid emotions and colours which i try to embed through my poems. Scribbling my thoughts into poems since my teenage era I continue to cherish writing them. Mother of a 4 month old beautiful soul, I dedicate this poetic amalgamation to my loving daughter "Trishika"
    Book ISBN: 9789360946999
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