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Description of the Book:


Here are few poems I wrote to record my feelings and thoughts. They were generally triggered due to situations, people or memories. I continued to wrote them, as I found comfort and healing, in doing so. They helped me discover things about myself and make my resolve stronger to live a life, I won't regret. Just like lemon tea, may these poems bring some freshness in how you look at life, and at the things overlooked or forgotten.

Lemon tea

SKU: 9789363310247
  • Author's Name: Nanddeep Nasnodkar

    About the Author: I have been writing code for a long time, and recently started to pen down poems. Until few years back, poems had negative impression on me. I am not good at memorizing and in school, we had to learn poems by heart! So, I hated them. During lockdown, I was exposed to online poetry sessions. And my perception changed! If you do pick up this book, I hope it changes yours too.
    Book ISBN: 9789363310247
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