Description of the Book:
Easily accessible, family-style poetry.
Lazy Susanne (like a lazy Susan, but for Poetry)
SKU: 9789360944063
Author's Name: Marcus Kahle McCann
About the Author: Kahle is an award-winning playwright and lyricist and a collaborative member of Mildly Fearsome Films, a production company based in Los Angeles. Most recently, he has published two children's books (The Boy Who Was Fire and Look at the Boy that Looks Like a Fox) and is working towards publishing his third (A Girl Called Gale). Kahle firmly believes if Readers read enough stories that are “over their heads,” it won’t be long before they have taller heads… not literally… Kahle does NOT promote the idea that literacy leads to weird cranial mutations. His children's books can be found at ...or most other places online that sell books. Book ISBN: 9789360944063