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Description of the Book:


Caffeine is quite notorious amongst all for being the one to keep us awake, the friend that keeps us from falling asleep before completing our chores, or the one that drowns us in thoughts with drowsy eyes and a half-asleep mind. This time of semi-consciousness mixed with a writer's stories, one who is known to trigger bizarre emotions, unsettling complexes, and outlandish opinions, is how the verses in the book came to be. A series of random mumbles and eccentric stories in poems that one might enjoy with a cup of dark coffee and after a recent Kafka crisis, or even to know the after-effects of reading them, each verse has its own narrative, sometimes inspired by one of the stories of Kafka(maybe you could identify which). Each one would leave you with an interpretation that is yours to own, so these verses are as much the readers as they are of the writer!

Kafka in my Coffee: A Few Verses from a Frantic Mind!

  • Author's Name: Sonakshi Mishra
    About the Author: Sonakshi is a student pursuing engineering and learning to weave comfortable quilts with words in her free time. Penning down poems, prose, and spoken poetry have been her passion for as long as she can remember. She spends time with the works of Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost, and any poet she can get her hands on, hoping to be half as good as them someday. Her love for books is only seconded by enchanting movies and a strong cup of coffee, and she finds it fulfilling if even one of her verses moves a soul. Hopefully, they have that effect on the readers!
    Book ISBN: 9781005505950


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