Description of the Book:
juxtaposition is a collection of poems exploring both sorrow and joy. When grappling with sorrow, we confront grief and heartache. When experiencing joy again, we must learn how to accept and appreciate it.
SKU: 9789363318007
Author's Name: Kristen Spaulding
About the Author: Kristen Spaulding is a divorced mom, a school teacher, a closet writer, and an aspiring photographer. She is intrigued by the human ability (and necessity) to hold both sorrow and joy at once. Writing is how she makes sense of that process. She lives in a small town in Ohio with her daughter, two cats, and a dog. She is most inspired by rupi kaur, yung pueblo, and e.e. cummings. This collection is a gift to both her daughter and to the love of her life. Book ISBN: 9789363318007