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Description of the Book:

Surprisingg you,
With somethingg unexpectingg,
Simply clarifying the history,
Without creating a mystery,
The journey of some stories,
Got end to the poetries.
Somethingg creating a mess,
Made some chasingg rhymes again,
I tell the world to read it once,
You'll enjoyy the way i tried..


  • Author Name: Siddhi Jain
    About the Author: If you can't explain it simply,you don't understand it well enough' I'm a girl with great intensity to read a novel or show up similar as well. Something alike, i tried. Finally, i wrote the book and it's unbelievable for me too. Almighty is great, I believe it in each way. A 21 days challenge i accepted one day one poem. To write a poem each day means an atmost hunged up challenge which just passed last day's. I actually didn't felt too stiff to just give my thought's a rhythmic sound.
    Book ISBN: 9780229919802


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