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Description of the Book :


Nothing in life is ever entirely complete, it is we as individuals who determine it to enjoy a certain sense of closure. There is always a path which is never ending and as we mindfully embark into the journey through this path of uncertainty , every moment becomes one to cherish. The book is a compilation of thoughts, sometimes dark and it explores the beauty which lies within the lines, occasionally drawing metaphors and analogies from nature, which I believe to be the ultimate truth. The book was compiled with the hope to inspire people to find hope during dark times in their own way. The poems in this book was the way I found mine.


  • Author's Name :  Poornhimaa Sreekirishnan
    About the Author :  A Chennai girl who is passionate about all things creative. She fell in love with reading at the age of 11 and soon, writing became one of the few ways she started expressing herself, especially through poetry. she has completed her bachelors in Fashion design for NIFT and she hopes to travel and get inspired and along that journey inspire people through her stories, thoughts and experiences, one poem at a time.
    Book ISBN :  9781005045005
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